Saturday 2 October 2010

The Bigfoot Blog is moving!!

In a bid to streamline my online venues the Bigfoot Blanket is finally being rolled up and all new posts, paper toy and illustration updates, will be published via my BIGFOOT STUDIO BLOG, link to the right >>>

This is after faffing about for ages trying to find economic (free!) solutions for a portfolio presence and a blathering presence online, and trying to run two blogs to cover both. But I've finally washed up on Weebly's shores and found useful and functional gallery features over there, as well as, oh joy of joys, the ability to post PDFs on the page! This has meant that I can post paper toys online as puckah files at last. Check out The Bigfoot Studio's new website!

So if you want to keep up with my latest 3D creations or illustration generally then hop over and subscribe to The Bigfoot Studio Blog. Thanks to you all for stopping by so far!

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